Natural Resources
"EPA Says It Could Block Mountaintop Coal Permits"
Nation's First Investigative Reporter Drilled Deep On Big Oil
Top 10 Endangered Southern Areas
SEJournal Spring 2000, Vol. 10 No. 1

In this issue: Smog lingers over Houston–media muddle Bush's record as air progress slows; Green space may calm and cool us; Journalists probe environmental justice issues; Land use in the West; The award-winning beryllium story; Montana mine's toxic legacy; Tracking campaign cash; What was behind EPA blackout? and more. Download the PDF here.
Wild & Scenic Rivers Act Turns 40
2007 Farm Bill Is on Front Burner
Border Fence Environmental Concerns Heat Up
Sawmills Drop, Production Increases
Special Year 2008 Look-Ahead: Environmental Refugees Grow in Numbers