
EPA's Unfinished Agenda

Transparency and scientific integrity are good for public health and the environment, not to mention PR and politics. Yet WatchDog Opinion argues they’ve not been fully embraced by the Biden EPA. There are reasons for hope, however, in the form of a cataloging of violations and in an EPA-specific policy. Why it all matters for how environmental journalists do their jobs.

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The Year Ahead Will Spark Abundant Environment News — Both Good and Bad

Even as the climate crisis countdown story continues, a wide range of environment and energy issues are on journalists’ watchlist for the year ahead, per an analysis from our “2022 Journalists’ Guide to Energy & Environment.” The overview looks at 13 key trends to track in 2022 and beyond — including infrastructure, pandemics, environmental justice, energy, chemicals, plastics and, of course, climate.

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Deep in the Heart of Complexity … Or, the View From Texas

As the Society of Environmental Journalists prepares for its annual conference in Houston this March, the SEJournal asked Texas-based reporter Greg Harman to explore the Lone Star State's most critical stories for 2022. Here, in this special Texas-focused TipSheet, are leads, resources, encouragements and challenges.

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Conflict Over Biden’s Offshore Wind Drive To Generate News in 2022 and Beyond

Offshore wind, which some see as a panacea in the search for climate-friendly energy solutions, is getting a push from the Biden administration. But as noted in this week’s TipSheet, part of our 2022 Journalists’ Guide to Energy & Environment, there are numerous obstacles to the renewable power source, whether from states, coastal property owners and towns, fishing industry and even some environmentalists.

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Key National Dam Database Gets Major Upgrade

Tens of thousands of dams around the United States provide important functions — but also represent critical environment or public safety risks. Now, one central resource to help environmental journalists cover these structures has been improved in important ways. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox walks you through the main changes to the National Inventory of Dams, and points out some lingering weaknesses.

SEJ Publication Types: 
January 10, 2024

DEADLINE: The Goldsmith Prize for Investigative Reporting

The Goldsmith Awards Program honors investigative reporting that best promotes more effective and ethical conduct of government, the making of public policy, or the practice of politics. Winner receives $25,000; five finalists receive $10,000. Open to U.S. news media only. Deadline: Jan 11, 2023.


Lead Pipes To Make News on the Environment Beat in 2022

A crisis of lead in drinking water affects thousands of U.S. communities, but 2022 will bring new focus to the problem as new Biden administration plans play out following passage of a $15 billion fund to replace lead service lines. TipSheet outlines the problem and the impact of a regulation carried over from the Trump era. Plus, seven reporting approaches to local and state-level stories.

SEJ Publication Types: 
February 28, 2022 to March 4, 2022

National Invasive Species Awareness Week

NISAW is an international event to raise awareness about invasive species, the threat that they pose and what can be done to prevent their spread. Local stories from field practitioners can be the most transformative. Learn more.


Biden Administration To Struggle With Environmental Justice in 2022

The history of environmental racism is a long one in the United States, far longer than the efforts to address the problem. But reporting on environmental justice continues to tick upwards, and an analysis in the latest Backgrounder points to promising progress, explaining why for journalists the year ahead may yield important stories, whether about future footholds or new missteps.

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