
"Advanced E.V. Batteries Move From Labs to Mass Production"

"For years, scientists in laboratories from Silicon Valley to Boston have been searching for an elusive potion of chemicals, minerals and metals that would allow electric vehicles to recharge in minutes and travel hundreds of miles between charges, all for a much lower cost than batteries available now."

Source: NYTimes, 07/14/2022

"Manchin, Playing to the Home Crowd, Is Fighting Electric Cars to the End"

"The West Virginia senator, who holds the swing vote in negotiations for a budget plan, wants to cut incentives. The president and most Senate Democrats say buyer credits are crucial to fight climate change."

Source: NYTimes, 07/13/2022

"US Cruise Ships Using Canada as a 'Toilet Bowl' for Polluted Waste"

"Lax Canadian regulations create ‘perverse incentive’ for US cruise ships en route to Alaska to discharge toxic mix of chemicals and wastewater off British Columbia, report says".

Source: Guardian, 07/12/2022

DOT Proposal Would Require States To Track Carbon Emissions From Driving

"The Department of Transportation on Thursday proposed a new requirement that states and metropolitan areas measure the amount of carbon dioxide being released through driving on interstate highways and other major roads."

Source: Washington Post, 07/08/2022

EPA Describes How It Will Regulate Power Plants After Supreme Court Loss

"Following the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling last week limiting the government’s ability to restrict the pollution that is causing global warming, the Biden administration is planning to use other regulatory tools in hopes of achieving similar goals."

Source: NYTimes, 07/08/2022


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