
Climate Deniers Saw Carmakers as ‘Opposition’ in Trump Rollback Fight

"In the early months of the Trump administration, automakers pleaded for — and appeared set to receive — some relief from fuel economy standards that they said were too difficult to meet. But newly released government emails show how a coalition of groups that reject established climate science quickly muscled into the picture, urging the administration to go much further and roll back the rules entirely and characterizing the automakers as their opponents in achieving that goal."

Source: NY Times, 07/03/2019

"Airplane Contrails' Climate Impact to Triple by 2050, Study Says"

"Those thin white clouds that jet engines draw across the sky are leaving their mark on the climate. A new study warns that the global heat-trapping effect of contrail clouds will triple by 2050 unless airlines and airplane builders dramatically reduce emissions or air traffic patterns change."

Source: InsideClimate News, 06/28/2019

Canada Signals Willingness to Challenge Trump on His Clean-Car Rollback

"Canada has signaled a willingness to buck one of President Trump’s most significant environmental rollbacks — a major weakening of auto pollution standards — by signing a clean-car deal with California, the state leading the fight against the rollback."

Source: NY Times, 06/27/2019

"Former EPA Staffer Says Wheeler Lied To Congress"

"A longtime former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) staffer is accusing Administrator Andrew Wheeler of lying in a letter he wrote to Congress Tuesday that denied agency staff were shut out as EPA developed a controversial rollback on Obama-era fuel standards."

Source: The Hill, 06/21/2019

"Paralysis on America’s Rivers: There’s Too Much Water"

"The devastating flooding that has submerged large parts of the Midwest and South this spring has also brought barge traffic on many of the regions’ rivers to a near standstill. ... Shipments of grains, fertilizers and construction supplies are stranded."

Source: NY Times, 06/11/2019

White House Poised To Rebuff Automakers, Calif., Relax Mileage Standards

"A last-minute push by automakers appears unlikely to sway the Trump administration from abandoning President Barack Obama’s signature climate policy to improve mileage standards for cars and light trucks, two government officials said Friday."

Source: Washington Post, 06/10/2019

"As Infrastructure Talks Collapse, Focus Turns To Highway Bill"

"After a White House meeting on infrastructure fell apart yesterday, lawmakers were left picking up the pieces, with the odds of Congress passing a broad package looking slimmer than ever. Instead, it seems likely Congress will pursue a narrower surface transportation bill."

Source: E&E Daily, 05/24/2019

"Democrats Suggest EPA Chief Misled On Vehicle Emissions Rollback"

"Democrats are asking Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) head Andrew Wheeler to turn over documents tied to the agency’s proposal to roll back emissions standards for vehicles, suggesting he made misleading statements on the topic."

Source: The Hill, 05/24/2019

Middle America’s Low-Hanging Carbon: Grid, Agriculture, Transportation

"The American Midwest is at a turning point as it confronts the global climate crisis. It's a landscape of opportunity, where investment is starting to pour into renewable energy, farmers are turning to climate-friendly practices, and automakers are introducing new electric vehicles. But its path forward is still cluttered with obstacles."

Source: InsideClimate News, 05/21/2019


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