
Carmakers, Rejecting Trump Pollution Rule, Strike Deal With California

"Four of the world’s largest automakers have struck a deal with California to reduce automobile emissions, siding with the state in its fight with President Trump over one of his most consequential regulatory rollbacks."

Source: NY Times, 07/26/2019

Bikes Make Path for Local Environment Stories

When it comes to bringing environmental stories home to your audience, don’t soft-pedal the topic of bicycling. Bikes are a way in to the issue of climate, as well as health and infrastructure. The most recent TipSheet has more on why you can ride the bike beat for your local reporting

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Car Rules: Trump Admin Abandons Fast Timeline For Rollback — Sources"

"The Trump administration appears to have abandoned its initial strategy for defending the rollback of Obama-era clean car rules from court challenges, according to three people with knowledge of the situation."

Source: ClimateWire, 07/17/2019

23 Governors Join California’s Push For More Efficient Cars And Trucks

"Nearly two dozen governors, including several Republicans, are imploring the Trump administration to embrace more aggressive gas mileage requirements for the nation’s cars and pickup trucks, saying the White House’s effort to weaken existing requirements could hurt consumers, automakers and the environment."

Source: Washington Post, 07/10/2019


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