
Pruitt Says ‘California Is Not The Arbiter’ Of U.S. Emissions Standards

"Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt said Tuesday that EPA is not planning to set stricter fuel economy standards beyond 2025 and questioned whether states such as California should be able to enact their own tougher emissions rules for cars and light trucks."

Source: Washington Post, 03/14/2018

Dems Unveil $1T Infrastructure Plan, Undo GOP Tax Cuts To Pay For It

"As the White House struggles to finance an ambitious infrastructure plan, Senate Democrats are proposing one alternative — albeit one unlikely to pass muster with President Trump: rolling back the recently passed Republican tax overhaul."

Source: Washington Post, 03/08/2018

"White House Turns To Congress For Ideas On Infrastructure Funding"

"The White House has proposed to spend $200 billion more in infrastructure but remains unsettled on how to pay for the investment, despite President Trump’s hints of an increase in the federal gas tax, his transportation chief said Tuesday."

Source: Washington Post, 03/07/2018

Parts Suppliers Call for Cleaner Cars, Splitting With Automakers

"In the debate over how quickly to make American cars pollute less, the nation’s auto-parts makers are now in open disagreement with the automakers that buy the countless transmissions, turbochargers and other components that make up modern automobiles."

Source: NY Times, 03/02/2018


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