
Court Cases with Trump Agencies Will Make News in 2018

The battle over environment and energy issues may ultimately come down to U.S. courts, where, unlike Congress and White House, the GOP doesn't hold sway ... yet. This week's TipSheet looks at a dozen major legal issues making news in 2018, like wetlands protection, and offers story ideas and resources to cover them.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"The Nation’s Rivers And Streams Are Getting Dangerously Saltier"

"Nearly everywhere you turn during this frigid stretch of winter, much of the world seems covered in a layer of salt aimed at keeping our roads drivable and sidewalks free of ice. All that salt is one reason — although not the only one — that many of the nation’s rivers and streams are becoming saltier, according to new research published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences."

Source: Washington Post, 01/09/2018

Vehicles Now Biggest U.S. CO2 Source, But EPA Is Tearing Up Regulations

"Some of the most common avatars of climate change – hulking power stations and billowing smokestacks – may need a slight update. For the first time in more than 40 years, the largest source of greenhouse gas pollution in the US isn’t electricity production but transport – cars, trucks, planes, trains and shipping."

Source: Guardian, 01/02/2018

After Tax Cut, Trump Looks To Localities To Fund For Infrastructure

"Even as President Trump and Republicans in Congress seek to cut federal taxes, the White House has quietly come up with a very different plan for infrastructure: It wants to reward states and localities willing to raise taxes or other revenue to pay for new projects."

Source: Washington Post, 12/08/2017

"Meet the Tesla Semitruck, Elon Musk's Most Electrifying Gamble Yet"

"Elon Musk has always dreamed big, and tonight he showed off his biggest reverie yet: the fully electric Tesla Semi. Powered by a massive battery and capable of hauling 80,000 pounds, it can ramble 500 miles between charges. It’ll even drive itself—on the highway, at least."

Source: WIRED, 11/17/2017


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