
Trump Private Finance Plan for Infrastructure Worries Rural States

"President Trump’s promise to find $1 trillion for infrastructure ran headlong into the senior senator from Wyoming, who said on Wednesday that the White House plan to raise private money for roads and bridges wouldn’t do much to help his rural state."

Source: Washington Post, 02/09/2017

Turbulent Prospects on Environment-Energy Beat Likely in Trump Era

While it's too soon to tell what the new Trump administration and 115th Congress will do, our special report suggests we may see a groundswell of environmental deregulation and massive energy development. Backgrounder looks at the top 10 energy-environment issues to watch in the President Trump era. 

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Will 'Drill, Baby, Drill' Be Watchword in Trump Era?

Conflict is brewing over the leasing of oil and gas drilling rights on millions of acres of federal land, now that the pro-oil-and-gas GOP controls Congress and the White House. And one especially big battle to come? The one over opening for drilling the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, a dispute that raged for decades.

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Omnibus Politics: Building an Infrastructure Program

Democrats and Republications may agree on a vast federal program to build and repair the nation's crumbling infrastructure, but still uncertain is what will be built, how it will be paid for and who will vote for it. TipSheet looks at the politics of public works (what journalists used to call "pork").

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Pipelines and Energy Infrastructure Pose Conflict

Oil pipelines like the Keystone XL and Dakota Access are back at the center of a political firestorm, with a new executive order from President Trump just a few days into his new administration giving them the go-ahead. But it's just the beginning — many other pipelines, for both gas and oil, have been proposed.

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