
Lawmakers Want Override Of Christie Veto Of Oil Train Transparency Bill

"The Assembly speaker said Wednesday he will push to override Gov. Chris Christie's conditional veto last week of a bill that would have provided the public and first responders with more information about trains hauling volatile crude oil through communities in New Jersey."

Source: Bergen Record, 07/24/2017

"Security: Democrats Request Review Of Pipeline Cyberdefenses"

"The top Democrats on the Senate and House energy panels are seeking an assessment of the cyber and physical security protections for natural gas, oil and other hazardous pipeline infrastructure, warning of increased cyberthreats from foreign state-backed and criminal hacking organizations."

Source: EnergyWire, 07/20/2017

Trump Plans to Shift Infrastructure Funding to Cities, States, Business

"President Trump will lay out a vision this coming week for sharply curtailing the federal government’s funding of the nation’s infrastructure and calling upon states, cities and corporations to shoulder most of the cost of rebuilding roads, bridges, railways and waterways."

Source: NY Times, 06/08/2017


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