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"Scavenging Hazardous 'E-Waste' for a Few Redeemables"

Discarded electronic devices from the U.S. and other affluent countries go to poor nations for "recycling." In Ghana and elsewhere, 11-year-olds may breathe smoke from burning plastic and smash hard drives with rocks to get at the metals they contain.
Source: Wash Post, 07/16/2009

"Ancient Data Suggest Warming Could Be Worse Than Expected"

"A dramatic warming of the planet 55 million years ago cannot be solely explained by a surge in carbon dioxide levels, a study shows, highlighting gaps in scientists' understanding of impacts from rapid climate change." One implication is that the current warming episode could prove worse than now predicted, as models may not fully account for feedback mechanisms that amplify warming.
Source: Reuters, 07/16/2009

Dole Sues "Bananas!" Film-Maker For Defamation

Showing of the film, depicting purported harm and claims of sterility by Nicaraguan plantation workers, went ahead at the Los Angeles Film Festival, even though an April 2009 Superior Court ruled that those claims were fraudulent.
